222) God and Samuel / Samuel and God

chap 22

- But the king said: “You will surely die, Ahimelech, you along with all your father’s house.” With that the king said to the guards stationed around him: “Turn and kill the priests of God, because they have sided with David! They knew that he was a runaway, and they did not inform me!” But the king’s servants did not want to lift their hands to assault the priests of God.

- Saul is completely blind!

- He doesn’t care about God anymore!

- He fights against him!

- He wants to kill God’s priests!

- But his servants are not crazy like him, they refuse to kill them!

- He acts like a stupid child!

- He doesn’t think about the high price he will have to pay!

- That is he and all his house are going to receive the same treatment that is death and not a peaceful one!


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