216) God and Samuel / Samuel and God

- The philistines and the israelites assemble to fight!

- Then a giant named Goliath defies the Israelites!

- He proposes a fight between him and an Israelites!

- Whoever loses will become the servants of the other side!

- But the Israelites are terrified!

- Then Jesse tells David to bring food to his brothers who are in Saul’s army!

- When David hears Goliath, he asks Saul for permission to fight Goliath!

- Then David kills Goliath with his sling and a stone which strikes Goliath in his forehead!

- And David cuts off his head!

- And the philistines flee!

- And the Israelites pursue them!

- Thus God’s will is in action and nobody can stop it!

- It is evident that God was with David!

- He was but a boy against a well-armed giant!


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